Upcoming Events/Activities

Spelling Bee Competition: Final held on 22nd June 2019 / 19th Shawwal ul Mukarram 1440H (Saturday) in Madrasa.

Madrasa Farzando that have achieved: Juz Amma Hifz, Juz 1 Hifz, Juz 3 Hifz, Sana Ula Sanad till Sherullah al Moazzam 1440H received Sikka on on 3rd June 2019 / 30th Sherullah 1440H.



Parents are requested to drop off farzando prior to 9:00am & pickup after classes at 3:30pm (but not during classes). Other activities such as marasiya practice, etc. will be held from 3:30-4:30pm (optional).

All farzando should attend Budhwar Madrasah and also Barnamajul hifz.

Important Links

Annual Calendar

Saturday Calendar 1440H Updated

Wednesday Calendar 1440H

Leave of Absence form (Submit this application to Head Moallim/Class teacher)

Admission/Registration Form (Print & complete this form and have it signed/approved by Head Moallim)